   Research Experience
      Week 1
      Weeks 2-5
      Week 6
[summer] [research]

The application for SSTP is fairly straightforward. The website with the application and further information is:

As I mentioned before, participants are eligible for this program if they are entering their junior or senior year in high school. Also, naturally, they must show motivation in science, social science, or mathematics. An application can be turned in by mail or online (I personally sent it in by mail). Along with this application, 1 essay, 1 transcript, 2 recommendation letters, and an optional financial aid form should be submitted.

The first page of the application is just basic information about you, including name, address, birthday, etc. Then, there is a section where scores in standardized tests must be inputted. I sent in additional copies of my standardized test scores along with filling this information in the application.

The next page of the application deals with the "Selection of Science Departments". Here, you choose the top three preferences of labs which you want to work in. Choices range from 6 different types of engineering to life sciences to physical sciences to other fields like psychology. There are many options to choose from, and if there are more than three choices which you like, you can check up to six areas.

The one page essay from 2006 dealt with two simple questions, "What are your goals in life?" and "Why would you like to participate in this program?" Here, if you are truthfully interested in science research, writing an essay about your desires and ambitions which can relate to research in a lab setting should be a piece of cake. My essay described my goal of wanting to be an influence on other people, particularly through the sciences, but through being a well-rounded individual as well. Really spend some time on the essay to make sure it brings out the best of you to the people reading it.

Along with the application and essay come the transcript and recommendation forms. The transcript is just a report of your grades which the school should be able to provide for you. The number one tip with recommendation letters is to choose teachers who you feel can really see your motivation in the sciences and are willing to write a good recommendation for you into the program. That's pretty much all that is needed for the application. The program is fairly selective as only 15-20 kids get accepted, but it's always worth it to apply.